Monday, September 07, 2009

Some stories just go by real quick, like it was never told
And when you think about rewriting it
Its never the same
You can never recreate something that just happens

And as the days go by you forget or reminisce
And pieces of the story that once meant so much to you
Are forgettable and unforgettable

And she says “no love, no hope, no glory”
And your heart aches with pain
Pain that you gave everything you could
But had to let go for a reason that can only be found
Inside your head, and you get that burning question
In your head, every night
That haunts you

Have I done the right thing?

And life goes on
And the glory days that made you feel like nothing else
In this world was better than that moment in time
Or chapter in your life

It makes you think,
Think about all the good times
And when I look back
And all the women that I’ve known
And all that they have done for me
And I repayed them by never following through
Being unattached and not fully committing
this one was different,

It hits you, it hits hard
When friends are few and far between
And family is across the sea
All that remains is me and my thoughts

So whats the answer, whats it all about
food in your fridge, nice treads, a fancy car, a home, money in your my pocket
when you got everything
you’ve got nothing without peace of mind


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