Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Law of Diminshing Return

The Law of Diminishing Return, in terms of Poker Theory

Today I am actually going to write about something useful, that you guys can use to take to the tables. Being a business student, you learn a lot of useless crap along the way to gaining a piece of paper that states “you’re just smart enough to make an average salary” or “not too incompetent to work for the man” in other words a university degree. What kind of useless crap does one learn; Contract Law. For instance, if you are ever in a convenience store and you drop a drink along the way, YOU DON”T HAVE TO PAY FOR IT, legally there is no contract involved as the acceptance has not be made until you reach the cashier. So if you’re being bitched at by some old man about paying for the drink. You can tell him to go to hell, in other words go to court cuz that’s where most lawyers go.

Since I just wasted 2 minutes of your life, I’ll get back to my point.

What does this mean for you? Well business theories can also apply to poker. The Law of Diminishing Return is what we will touch upon today. In business the Law of Diminishing Returns states that as more units of input are added on, it reaches a point where each additional unit of input put forth will result in less addition output.

For you live game players,

Have you ever played tired but you don’t want to take a break cuz your in another city and you have traveled miles just to get to the seat where your sitting at. And in your mind, your think that your good enough to keep playing and generate that $/per hour that you’ve been making. Well it’s no surprise that during these long sessions’ players will lose more than they should because you lose focus. This is where the law takes precedence, as your ability diminishes due to the extra hours you’re putting in. What a player must do in this case is find their “hour limit”. For instance, when I was playing 1-2 no limit at Niagara, I was able to buy in with 100$ and turn it into 400$ within 4-5 hours of play. I would continue playing for another 3 hours, and then cash out around 500$ish and take a break and come back in with another 100$ buy in. What this allowed me to do was to get a break and safeguard my chips as the max buy in was 100$. I did this until I hit 2000$ for that trip, also note that I had a hotel as well so it gave me sleeping options. But what I am trying to prove here is that, you don’t need to play to the point where you’re exhausted and you want to leave cuz your so dam tired that you can barely open your eyes. This type of play will get you no where and cost you a lot of money in the long run.

For you online players,

Have you ever played online with multiple tables at once trying to maximize your profits? Well some players have the uncanny ability to play 4-5 tables at a time. What makes these players special is their ability to concentrate as these tables are popping up. If you every played with Brett Jungblut, also known as Gank or Scott Fisherman, you will know that these guys are machines and are able to play up to several tables at a time. However not all of us are blessed with this ability to focus, some people have difficulties playing 2 games at once with full concentration. As the more games you play the more your concentration spreads and you become less focused. It will reach a point where playing multiple tables becomes a disadvantage rather than an advantage. Many online players make this mistake as they get caught up in the possibility of seeing more hands, but they lack control. But why do players do this? Many reasons, impatience, arrogance, constrained time, etc. What you must realize is that multiple tables can be an advantage but you must find where you fit in terms of how many games to play at once. For myself I do well with 2 tables going on, as I can read the plays and still make the correct moves without rushing or being impatient.

Well that’s it for now as I am getting tired of writing; most of you are suspicious or not too sure that this information is correct of helpful. I cannot speak for everyone but for my experiences, this is the knowledge that I have obtained. And if you don’t like it, go make your own dam blog and stop reading my shit. Haha


Blogger Tilter said...

AMEN! Women are damn expensive! ;)

9:18 PM  

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